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    If one scores within sections on days 1 and 2, can the assignments still be done across the field for these two days?

    in Swiss Pairs Comment by Vlad October 2019
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    Thanks v v much.
    Yes, the idea is for each of the three sections to play swiss pairs within the section on day 3.
    You've helped me solve the problem.

    in Swiss Pairs Comment by Vlad October 2019
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    in Emails Comment by Vlad October 2019
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    Also those that use bridgemates but may not be using the app?

    is it difficult/costly to incorporate the suggested provision in the email? I am not a programmer, but would have thought that it would require just a few lines of c…

    in Emails Comment by Vlad September 2019
  • Previous post withdrawn. It does not apply to swiss pairs/teams

    in Emails Comment by Vlad September 2019
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    We discontinued using the bridgemate app because:

    • it violates the law whereby players can only take account of their OWN estimate of the result
    • Players get distracted by seeing their ranking after every round and …
    in Emails Comment by Vlad September 2019
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    Not during play, but in between rounds?

    in Emails Comment by Vlad September 2019
  • Where an alert requirement is not listed in the regulations, is it not proper to follow the general principle (whether stated in the regulations or not) that any bid that does not mean what it says, i.e. is natural, should be alerted?

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    Thanks Gordon, but the csv file is created by the scoring system, so one could presume that it would put the player IDs in the right place. I didn't modify the file in any way. And when I clicked the box to import the file a drop-down …

  • I remember reading somewhere that announcing '11+(good 11) to 15- (bad 15)' would cover such situations.
    Whether local regulations allow this is another matter.

  • Thanks Jonathan.
    I couldn't locate the DAT file but was able to retrieve the names from a csv file to which I had backed up the names. However the backup restore removed the player IDs that I had entered!

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    As I understand it, a mis-bid is a bid that is not in accordance with a partnership agreement. If there is no partnership agreement then a bid cannot be termed as a 'mis-bid', can it? What East plays with other partners should not be r…

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    Thank you

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    I suppose dummy can just shrug his shoulders and look down at the cards of his quitted tricks, effectively telling partner to look there for the answer. :)
    One can imagine smiles all round the table if dummy keeps silent with a …

  • I was about to post a separate discussion but let me add it to this one.

    If declarer, during play, asks dummy 'how many tricks have we made?', is dummy allowed to answer? Would this be permissible under Law 42 A 2?

    In fact, is it …

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    Also, take a look at Law 39. It differentiates between a 'future declarer' and a 'defender' when a call is made after the final pass of the auction. Here too, the roles could be reversed if the auction is re-opened during the clarifica…

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    I do not disagree with your interpretation as it stands.
    But, to play devil's advocate:
    Once the auction has ended under the provision of Law 22 it has ended up to that point. It is not suspended, it has ended. Then the c…

  • I would imagine that this would be similar to a situation that I posted, where a claimer has been asked by the opponent to play on and he does, without obtaining the consent of the other two.

    Gordon had replied giving the answer. You may …

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    Law 24 refers to card led or exposed during the auction, which should not be applicable in this case, since the auction has ended. Perhaps it would be more appropriate for Law 54 E to read 'If a player of the declaring side attempts to…

  • Why not simply apply Law 48 A?

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    Back to weejonnie's question, 'which tricks do we transfer'? Is the Director supposed to decide which one of the succeeding tricks is to be transferred?
    If there have been two separate revokes in two different suits and the off…

  • Carrying on from Martin's example:

    Revoke on trick 5, won by offender.
    Trick 7 won by the offending side.
    That calls for the transfer of 2 tricks.

    Second revoke, in a different suit, on trick 10, not won by offender.

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    Hi Barrie.

    If the second revoke is in a different suit, completely unconnected with the first revoke, and the offending side wins a trick after the second revoke, would the one trick transfer for the second revoke be in additio…

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    Thank you Gordon

  • Having started this discussion and read the various comments, I would like to ask those who think that dummy should be allowed to point out to declarer in advance whether he should lead from hand or table: should dummy also be allowed to tell the…

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    Thanks. You've confirmed my interpretation of the law. Now the tough job of getting players to change their habit! When I brought this up at my club at a briefing on some common do's and dont's, there were skeptical looks when I mentio…

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    Oh OK. Thanks

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    Thanks v much

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    Isn't there a difference between the two situations?
    When a player's partner is answering a question about their system the answer refers to an agreement, which is usually recorded in the system card. The laws cover the situation…

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    Just for the record, I am a member of the EBU and have passed the County Directors course.