National Interclub Knockout

Entries for the National Interclub Knockout, or NICKO as it is affectionately known, are open now. Please encourage the relevant members of your club to think about the team(s) which they may be entering.

The competition is open to all affiliated EBU bridge clubs, and is probably the most popular of all knock out tournaments with about 200 teams entering annually.

It is played as a knockout throughout, with the draw regionalised in the early rounds so as to reduce travelling.

Each club can enter an unlimited number of teams, to be referred to as teams A, B, C, etc. in no particular order of preference. Each team can be four, five or six players. At least four of the players must be nominated on the entry form at the time that the entry is submitted.

The Club Secretary should download an entry form from our website. Entries should be submitted by the an authorised official of the club, who should be satisfied of the credentials of the players. Please note the important qualification requirements which are shown on the event webpage. These include that players should have been a member of the club for at least three months prior to the closing date, and this membership should have been registered with the EBU.

The closing date for entries is 30th September so please ensure all players who will be representing your club have been registered before 30th June.

We hope you will encourage the members of your club to form a team – or a few teams.