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Lady Milne Trophy 2024

Congratulations to the England women's team Nevena Senior, Anne Rosen, Sally Brock, Maggie Knottenbelt, Sally Anoyrkatis and Venetia Anoyrkatis (NPC: Heather Dhondy) ( pictured) who at the...

Changes to TD Panel

At a recent meeting the Tournament Directors Development Group (TDDG) made some changes to the structure of the national TD Panel, by combining the Congress "A" and Congress "B" ranks into one...

Team Objectivity wins NTL Season 5

The National Teams League season 5 has now concluded. In Division 1, team "Objectivity" (captain Roger Bryant) finished top with a total of 171.75. In second place were "The Seedgrowers" (captain...

Lee & Norman retain National Pairs

Peter Lee and David Norman retained their National Pairs title from last year, this time with an overall score of 58.2%. For Peter this is his sixth time of winning the event, on the previous...

Seniors Trial Results

The second and final stage of the trial for the Seniors team to represent England at the 2024 European Championships took place over the weekend at T.G.R's Bridge Club in London (6th - 7th April)...

Senior & Fordham win Portland Pairs

Nevena Senior & Stephen Fordham have won the Portland Pairs. This Mixed Pairs competition took place this weekend and was played online via RealBridge. Nevena & Stephen finished with a score of...

March 12-Board Ladder Winners

In the 12-board ladder for March, James Bond won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 70.26% over six games. Gordon Rainsford was second, and Steve Gregson third with an average score of...