EBU Venetian Congress, day 1

Submitted by English Bridge Union on
Photo showing the Villa Pace Park Hotel Bolognese, a white painted three story building set in gardens with tress and blue sky

The EBU Overseas Congress, sponsored by First for Bridge, started yesterday (15th October) in the tranquil setting of the Villa Pace Park Hotel Bolognese near Venice and Treviso. Tournament Director Chris Benneworth talks through the first day

Despite some problems with late flights and transfers, everyone who was expected arrived in good time to enjoy a buffet dinner with local wines and water. The pre-congress pairs gave players who were playing together for the first time the chance to get to know each other in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Twenty-four pairs played 18 boards in a spacious well-lit room.  

This was board 7, only one pair managed to bid to 6H. Their auction was (with NS silent):

{dsboth QJ8 105 K32 97642; 96542 AQ6 A5 Q103; K73 J97 1098764 8; A10 K8432 QJ AKJ5 }{b1hp2cp3cp4hp4np5sp6h/}

5 (2+QH).

Well done, Stuart and Barbara.

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