Our communications officer, Sam Kelly, recently asked our insurance brokers “following the government statement that the current legal requirements will ease from 19th July, is there any update to the requirements for our EBU clubs to remain covered by your insurance policies with regards to Covid?”
Their response was:
The position remains the same as was previously advised. The Public Liability section covers a clubs legal liabilities; for a liability claim to be upheld, it would have to be proven that they had been negligent.
The policy contains a Duty of Care requirement under “Important Information”:
You should also take all reasonable care to prevent accidents or Bodily Injury. In particular You should:
• keep all work equipment and premises in good and safe condition
• exercise care in the selection and management of Employees
• comply with all statutory obligations and regulations imposed by any authority.
Clubs should be reminded that they are obliged to follow any government guidelines and restrictions and to keep abreast with current COVID requirements.
This link may provide useful information:
In addition, a reminder that they should refer to their Policy Schedule and Wording to ensure they comply with all policy terms and conditions.
The policy does not specifically cover COVID, nor does it exclude it; it all comes down to whether or not a club is held legally liable for an incident and in turn, whether or not they have complied with the policy terms and conditions.
July 13, 2021