We have several opportunities available for potential sponsors of major tournaments or teams. Youth bridge could also be an area.
These are open to both individuals and companies, either to promote a brand or for personal altruism by way of “giving back”.
On offer are naming rights and (for companies) brand activation with visibility at the event venue, lead up communications, in English Bridge magazine and on the website. Our membership of approximately 45,000 are predominantly approaching or actually retired and ABC1.
A recent example is that of a finance company sponsoring a youth team for an international competition, for which we and the team concerned are very grateful.
The costs depend on what is sponsored and the extent of the take up of the options, but we are talking of four figure sums upwards. All subject to discussion and agreement.
To find out more without any commitment please contact learnbridge@icloud.com for an initial chat with Ian Sidgwick, one of our board of directors.
November 16, 2023