The latest Online One-Day Green Pointed Teams event took place on Saturday 16th March. It was won by the team of Gunnar Hallberg, Sally Clark, Tracy Sherman & Stefan Lindfors (pictured), with a score of 102 VPs. In second place were the Plumley team of Erik Sælensminde, Rune Hauge, Robert Plumley & Alan Scott with 101 VPs and in third place were the team of India Natt, Robert Miller, Ian Robson & Eshan Singhal with a score of 84 VPs.
This was the last event in the 2023-24 competition. The first place prize for 2023-24 was Giles Ip, with 563 ladder points, he wins £300. In joint second place were Celia Oram and Derek Oram with 517 ladder points, who both win £150 each.
There were also prizes for the B and C strat players. In the B strat, the joint first place went to Alan Hobden and James Hobden, and in the C strat, Mrunalini Dewan finished first.
The 2024-25 competition will start on 27th April with the Online One-Day Green Pointed Swiss Pairs.
March 20, 2024