Bernard Westall, President of De La Rue, died on January 11th at the age 76. He was a man of great vitality and many interests, but his energies were mainly used in the service of his company. In the first World War he was commissioned with the Essex regiment and saw service in Gallipoli and France. Between the wars he travelled extensively as the companies chief salesman, and was successful in obtaining, in the face of many difficulties, large currency orders from Far Eastern countries. He became managing director in 1934 and after 1945 he became largely responsible for the Company's diversification into laminated plastics and heating appliances. He was appointed the company's first president in 1964 when he retired.
He had always been interested in bridge. Before the war he was a player of note, and had many successes in partnership with the late Hubert Phillips, with whom he collaborated in the writing of a number of bridge books.
About the time of his retirement he became the first president of the English Bridge Union, an office which he held at the time of his death. Council meetings were always the richer for his presence. In all his spheres of activity he will be much missed. To his widow and family we offer our sincere sympathy.
By Eric Milnes, from Bridge Magazine, February 1970