David was approved as a recipient of the Dimmie Fleming Award in the summer of 2016, and would have received it at the EBU AGM in November. He passed away on 9th September.
"His service to Kent Bridge began in 1985 when he became the elected auditor. He continued in this post for ten years until, in 1995, he joined the KCBA Committee as a full member. His role was that of Area Secretary for the East Kent region, the largest of the areas into which Kent is divided for administrative purposes being a combination of NE and SE Kent. He only surrendered this responsibility in 2013. During that time he organised and directed the East Kent League, managing to maintain the number of teams throughout a period when other leagues had difficulties.
In order to run the EK League David trained as a Tournament Director but was not content to just do that. He went further and completed the County TO course and has been a stalwart of Kent's directing team ever since.
In 2010, he took over as Treasurer of KCBA seeing the County through most of the change to P2P with great assurance and care. The finances have always been very solid under his guidance and, when he resigned this year, he could pass on an extremely healthy state of affairs to his successor.
As a player he has a fine record even captaining the Kent C-Team to victory in the Metropolitan Cup.
Many of the local clubs in the Canterbury area have benefited from his assistance as treasurer, tournament director and chairman, leaving many gaps to be filled by replacement volunteers as he relinquished his various positions.
David also became a bridge cruise director, furthering the cause of bridge in this way for over 15 years, many of them in tandem with his late wife Linda.
All David has done has been done in a slightly old-fashioned, and hence thorough, way. He has probably been the most reliable attendee at county and club meetings. His dedication to the game of bridge in Kent is why the KCBA Committee is delighted to forward this recommendation for a Dimmie Fleming award and Dimmie herself would have been most pleased to see him get it."
David's Dimmie Fleming nomination from Kent CBA