One of bridge's most colourful personalities, Graham Griffiths, died last month of a stroke. He was 58.
During the '50's and '60's, partnered by Peter Richardson, Paul Spurway and others, he won most of the major E.B.U. and congress events, although the Gold Cup eluded him. With Peter Richardson he played twice for England in the Camrose and captained the team on two or three other occasions.
Despite his prowess at the table, Graham Griffiths' main achievements were in the field of administration and organisation. With little assistance he started the Bristol Bridge Club and by the expenditure of his time and money and the use of his business ingenuity, he was able to make this into the thriving institution it is today. He helped in many ways to get the Somerset C.B.A. into motion and, insofar as both these associations are concerned, his guidance, advice and experience were available—and used—over the past two decades. His interest in the new and young members was considerable and he went out of his way to play with and encourage them.
He leaves a widow and three young children to whom our deepest sympathy must go.
In Bristol and the West he will be most grievously missed, most of all because we loved him.
Cyril Samuels
Camrose vs Wales: 1957
Camrose vs NI: 1960
Tollemache Winner: 1962
2* Pairs: 1959
Crockfords: 1959