Place of Birth: London
Family: married with one son
Lives: In Crystal Palace, London
Education: Maths at Cambridge, MBA at Warwick
Jobs: Portfolio of 5 or 6 jobs at the moment, because I am a workoholic, preceded by a long career in Royal Mail, ending up as Group MD
What do I do? Main roles are as independent chair of a number of organisations, including London South Bank University
Do I play Bridge? Yes according to me; no according to my long suffering partners
Who would you like to be stranded on a desert island with and why? Roy Hodgson to find out how he performed the miracle of taking my smallish football team to a European Cup Final
If you could come back as an animal what would it be? An owl
If money was no object, tell us about your dream holiday? Round the world cruise.
What book are you currently reading? Coaching for performance (boring, I know)
Who do you admire and why? People who do what they say they are going to do
Which 4 famous people (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party? Roy Hodgson again, Geoff Boycott, Nick Clegg, and Sandie Shaw
What is your ideal night out? A great meal with some great wine.
Tell us something about yourself that no one at EBU would know .. I have got a medal for boxing (in my youth)!
Last updated: December 2022
Brighton Pairs, Harold Poster Cup Winner: 1982
Easter Congress Guardian Trophy winner : 2013
National Pairs winner: 1984