Keith, born in 1975, started playing bridge as a teenager with his family who learnt the basics together. He also played a little at school and arguably too much at university which lead to a junior partnership with Richard Hillman. After an enjoyable decade partnering Jeremy Dhondy, the junior partnership was reformed and is still going strong. Never adventurous with system they still play the same 5 card major weak no trump structure, but intend on experimenting with the strong no trump next year after gentle encouragement from team mates. Keith has won a few national events including the Portland Bowl, NICKO and Tollemache. Keith met his wife Suzanna at the bridge table and they play together once a year in the Hubert Philips. Keith works in technology for an investment bank and lives in North London with Suzanna and three children. Outside of bridge he enjoys playing squash and the piano.
Last updated: September 2021
European Junior Championships 2000
Camrose Trophy Selections: 2021
Tollemache Cup Winner: 2010 2012 and 2020