Simon, 22, is a chef currently working in Nottingham. Previously he studied politics, philosophy and economics at the universities of Oxford and Southampton. His career choice actually owes more to the skills developed at the bridge table than to his formal education: carving (contracts), roasting (partner) and boiling (over after another 10 imps out). Besides bridge and cooking Simon maintains an interest in the subjects he previously studied though he is now more often seen reading an existentialist novel than at the picket lines; age has taught him that believing the past is nothing more than a story eases the pain of conceding 790 far more than does arguing with fascists.
Bridge has furnished Simon with many successes, particularly at junior level where he has won the u19 pairs, schools' cup, Portland bowl and the channel trophy among others. He was also very proud to represent the England under 20s in the 2011 European championships, in which the team came fourth. His two biggest influences in bridge are former coach Michael "Gerber" Byrne and Alan "Steve" Shillitoe. The former was quick to take a young Simon under his wing, always ready with a kind word or encouraging comment. The latter is a man whose continual assessment has been a boon to Simon's life at and away from the table. In fact he considers Alan to be in no small part responsible for the man he has become today.
In closing it seems prudent to end with an altered quote from one of Simon's favourite books, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway.
"I can't stand it to think my life is going so fast and I'm not really living it.
Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bridge players."
Last updated: February 2014
Major International Selections
Junior European Championships: 2011
Junior Camrose Selections: 2014