Thank you to Cath Fox for sending in this week's blog talking all about the exciting day at Billericay Bridge Club when Zia Mahmood came to visit:
“The best day of my life” grinned Dimmie Flemming winner, Bernie Hunt, about the day Zia visited Mid-Essex Bridge Club in Billericay to promote his book: Bridge, A Love Story.
Queueing for a chance to play against the great man, women swooned like teenagers as their star truck eyes told the love stories that could have been.
But truly, Zia was relaxed and charming, remembering the names of all he met and making everyone feel important and included. With all thought of scoring thrown out the window before twelve boards of Bridge started, it was a chance for creative as well as correct play.
After the Bridge, Zia shared the history of each of the twelve hands. Anecdotes were from across the world, some at championship level, and covered over half a century of Bridge. Zia encouraged everyone to look behind the cards, not just at them. For example, have you ever noticed which Kings in the pack look to the left and which to the right?
Huge credit to those who helped Bernie make the day happen. Zia touched the hearts of everyone there, creating a little bit more for the history book, that is Billericay Bridge.