EBU Venetian Congress, day 2

Submitted by English Bridge Union on
Pre-Congress Pairs Winners Pauline Cohen and Elizabeth Barnard. They are stood in front of a banner advertising First for Bridge and smiling at the camera

Day two of the EBU Overseas Congress, sponsored by First for Bridge, started rather earlier than expected as Tournament Director Chris Benneworth explains:

It all started early when the fire alarm sounded at just after 5 a.m.  Most of us managed to stagger, bleary-eyed, from our beds and some even managed to throw on coat and shoes and begin to make their way out just as the alarm ceased. (We understand that a guest may have inadvertently pressed the alarm when reaching for the corridor light switch, but no-one has yet come forward to say “it was I”.)

For many of us, getting back to sleep after the rude awakening proved difficult. 

Congratulations to Pauline Cohen and Elizabeth Barnard who won the Pre-Congress Pairs.

Occasionally, you get a score on a board which is completely out of line with all the others.  Here’s the frequencies for board 14 from the afternoon session of the Swiss Pairs;

Board 14 scores

And this is the hand and auction:

{denone AQ65 J43 AK873 10; 9743 K976 64 KJ4; K10 A10852 92 9863; J82 Q QJ105 AQ752 }{b..p2h3c3h4cpp4hpp5cx/}

If you are NS you wish you were playing IMPs scoring!

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