The EBU maintains a calendar of events.
How to link the calendar to a personal calendar
You can connect a personal calendar, such as a Google calendar, Outlook or Apple calendar, to our events calendar. To do so, import or link to the iCalendar feed, for which the URL is:
Important note: some personal calendars offer both import and linking to events in iCalendar format. It is generally better to link rather than import, to avoid cluttering a personal calendar. For example, in Outlook you would use Open Calendar from Internet rather than Import. This keeps the EBU calendar separate from the personal calendar, though you can still view them together.
We publish events in different categories. The event categories are:
Beginner: These events are intended for beginner and intermediate players
Charity: Events where some or all of the money raised is donated to charity. See each event for details of which charity is supported.
Club: These are licensed Club events open to all EBU members, many award Blue Master Points.
County: County congresses and other events, most award Green or Blue Master Points.
EBU meeting: EBU AGM and other meetings.
National: Events run at a national level such as our most prestigious congresses, most award Green Master Points.
Training: Training for tournament directors and bridge teachers, most run by English Bridge Education and Development (EBED).
World: International bridge congresses.
Youth: Events aimed at young players, typically with an age limit enforced.
If you want to import only events in a particular category, you can do so by adding the category as an argument, for example:
Only one argument can be used, but you can subscribe to several different feeds individually.
How to use the calendar
Old calendar
The older Google-based calendar has been phased out.