Club Management Focus: Summer 2014

Brighton Scoring Seminar

We still have a few places left for the special scoring seminar to be run on Friday of the Brighton week. In this course, for which the charge is £50, tutor Martin Lee will train scorers in the essential application of Scorebridge using Bridgemate II’s. The objective is that at the end of the course, delegates will be able to set up, run and score a two-section single session event for teams or pairs. This course is a precursor to a more advanced course which we hope to run in the Autumn covering multi-session, multi-section events as well as disaster recovery procedures. More information can be found here. It is highly recommended for clubs which use ScoreBridge as their scoring software and either already use, or are thinking of using, BridgeMate II table top scorers.

Please note that we are thinking of asking Martin to run a similar course for the Jeff Smith suite of programs, which would also equip clubs for Swiss Teams and Swiss Pairs scoring. To register your interest, please e-mail Simon Barb at