Club Focus: Summer 2010

Update on Club Teacher Training and TD Courses

With the advent of Universal Membership through Pay-to-Play the EBU introduced new schemes for Club Teacher Training and Tournament Director Courses.

Bridge education is the key to the development of future generations of bridge players at your club. The EBU has devised a new initiative to help affiliated bridge clubs to "grow their own" membership through an integrated teaching programme. Each club is offered one free teacher training session in any 24 month period to help with the development of the club and attract new members. Second and subsequent teachers may attend the course on payment of £100 per person, subject to available space.

Good Tournament Directors are essential for the day-to-day running of a successful bridge club. When an affiliated club sends a full paying member to any of the EBU's club TD courses, it is invited to send a second club member to a TD course free of charge. The offer is on a 'like-for-like' basis - so when a club books a place (from 1 to 4 courses) it receives the equivalent free for another member of the same club.

Note that affiliated clubs taking advantage of either of the above schemes must agree to remain affiliated for at least 3 years from the date of the courses (or else the EBU retains the right to seek payment for any free courses taken).