Diary Changes

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information in the diary is accurate, some changes are made after the diary has gone to print. Please therefore note the following changes and additions to the information in the 2024-2025 diary. Please relate any information below to the relevant information on the 'date pages'. All corrections/updates were added to this page prior to the diary being distributed in September unless noted.

Event/Item Page Notes Added/updated
Lambourne Jersey Festival 34 The festival is on 28 April to 4 May 2025, not 6-11 May. 26/09/2024
Garden Cities Final 24 and 35 The Garden Cities Final will now take place on 7th June, not 14th June. 06/09/2024
Pachabo Cup 24 and 35 This event will now take place from 14th - 15th June, not the 7th - 8th June 2025. The venue will be Kent Hills Park Milton Keynes 30/08/2024
Portland Bowl Finals 24 and 40 This event will take place on 5th-6th April, not the 19th-20th April 2025 01/08/2024
Portland Bowl Entry Deadlines 39 The deadline for entries to the Portland Bowl will be 25th October 2024 01/08/2024

Changes from previous years:
