Below is your monthly update from the EBU. Please note there are a lot of important topics covered this month. All previous updates are available on the EBU Updates page.
Update from the Competitions Working Group
This poster shows the upcoming EBU events. Please consider adding this to your club/county website and encourage your members to enter online via My EBU.
We have been reviewing the recent events in the Online One-Day Green Point series and decided that at present, the platform to be used will be RealBridge.
We have been reviewing the arrangement for the current events for which entries are County representatives and have agreed to continue with the Tollemache as it has been (qualifying round online, final face-to-face) and that for the Corwen and the Pachabo, from 2024, we will play one of these each year online and one face-to-face, and in 2024 it will be the Corwen face-to-face.
Changes to competitions formats were discussed at the County Chairs’ conference on 24th May and useful feedback was obtained from those present.
The National Handicap Pairs Championship will take place on Sunday 10th September. If your club would like to host a heat, please email This is an opportunity for your members to compete on equal terms with players across the country for the title of National Handicap Pairs Champions 2023. Details of the event are on the EBU website at National Handicap Pairs Championship.
June Free Club Seminar: Club Charitable Status
The next free online seminar will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 7th June, starting at 11am. This seminar will discuss the hot topic of charitable status.
If you would like to attend, please reply to this email, including your name (or the name of the person attending for your club) and club to confirm your place.
You can watch all previous club seminars via the EBU YouTube Channel.
Reminders to Clubs
As a reminder, please remember to pay club subscription and club insurance before July.
Please also check your club membership databases on My EBU are correct, as anyone who is not listed in the club’s My EBU record by 9th July will not be able to represent their club in the NICKO or Garden Cities Trophy in the forthcoming year.
Does your club have insurance?
We have a flyer with information about the insurance facility for all affiliated clubs to use via our broker Partners&
Nominations for Awards
Nominations can now be made for both a Silver Award and a Dimmie Fleming Award. The Silver Award is given for outstanding contribution and recognition of long service as a volunteer at national and/or County level. The Dimmie Fleming Award recognises those who have made a significant contribution to county bridge through voluntary work over a long period.
All members can put forward suitable candidates, however the nominations should be submitted to the EBU by a County official, to confirm that it has the approval of the County Committee. Nominations should be made using Dimmie Fleming Form or Silver Award Form by Friday 25th August. Nomination forms can be found on the EBU awards page.
Bridge Warehouse Club Offer
FREE postage on all orders over £100.00 (Affiliated Clubs only). Use code AFFILIATED online or click on the link below:
Please put the club name in ‘Company’ on delivery address online. Valid until 31st August 2023.
As a reminder, the Bridge Warehouse price match where possible and by choosing to shop with the Bridge Warehouse you are supporting your national organisation.
Club Director Training
EBED offers training to help you become a club director. Courses are currently scheduled in Richmond, Chester, Darlington, Winchester, South Bucks and Stamford. See the director training calendar for details. For more about these courses visit the EBED website or contact
Directing Courses – delivered online
For any queries related to director training courses, please contact Mark on 01296 317218 ( All our current dates are listed on the TD Course Calendar and are bookable through My EBU, or by phone (call Lisa on 01296 317217).
Train to become a bridge teacher
Have you or any of your club members ever thought about becoming a bridge teacher? Why not join one of the upcoming Club Teacher Training courses run by English Bridge Education & Development (EBED). For 2023 the course dates are:
- Exeter Library: 16-17 September
New autumn dates will be planned for Aylesbury and Lancashire, details available soon.
The 2-day courses give aspiring bridge teachers the skills to teach bridge effectively. As an EBU affiliated club, you are eligible for discounts or concessionary places. If you are interested, please contact Mark on 01296 317218 (
Second Hand Equipment – Free apart from postage
- Second hand tablecloths:
- 100 Green tablecloths
- 80 Red tablecloths
They have the old EBU logo on one side, but you can turn them over, 86cm x 90cm.
They are not as big as the newer cloths but do cover the top of a standard club table. See photos (red tablecloth, green tablecloth).
- Jannersten Bidding Boxes:
- 28 sets of Green
Email Karen Durrell if you are interested.
Club Celebrations
If your club is celebrating an anniversary or special occasion, let us know, email
Social Media and Blogs
Please let us know if you would like to suggest a blog article that can then be shared across social media. There is no cost for this, and we welcome your ideas.
If you would like to write a blog, please email
Join us on social media:
EBU Facebook;
EBU Twitter;
EBU LinkedIn;
EBU Instagram