Club Management Focus: Spring 2013

The EBU Website

by Andrew Urbanski

You will all be delighted to know, I’m sure, that a significant re-design of the EBU website will be going live in the next month or so! The re-design will bring the website bang up to date in technology terms and be a great improvement on the current ‘look and feel’. So keep a look out for the changes and have a good look round when the update takes place.

In the meantime….here are a few tips on things you can do on the website (which won’t change once the re-design has taken place).

How to opt out of the magazine and/or diary

Log in to the Member’s Area (using your EBU number and password) and select the ‘My Details’ tab. Scroll down and you will find 2 ‘check boxes’, one for the magazine which says ‘Receive Magazine’, so un-tick this box if you don’t want the magazine (e.g. if 2 EBU members live at the same address), and one for the diary which must be ticked if you don’t want to receive your diary. Please pass this tip on to your members as there may be some who wish to make use of it.

How to list club players by NGS grade or other order

As club manager you might wish to list your club’s players in NGS ranking order (or by EBU number). When you are logged in to the Member’s Area as the club (using the club’s EBU number and associated password) and are using the ‘Members’ tab you will see that the ‘default’ order of the membership list is alphabetical (the column header is white, whereas the other two column headers are black). If, however, you click on either of the other column headers, “EBU #” or “Grade”, then the data will be sorted on that order and that column header will then turn white. Please note that nothing will appear to happen for several seconds (or a while longer if you are a big club and have a lot of members), but the sorting will take place eventually.

You can, of course, transfer this data to a spreadsheet or other document type if you wish, by using the standard ‘cut and paste’ techniques of your operating system.

If you need some other sort of listing you can always email me on with details of what you need and I may well be able to help.

How to handicap a session by NGS grade using Scorebridge

Handicaps are calculated as the NGS percentage less 50%. They may be used in one of 2 ways

  • You can use the current NGS percentage values for the players in the event by using the Handicaps menu on the Results screen
  • You can build a Handicap file from the NGS percentage values for all players on the Player Database for use in subsequent events

Having built a Handicap file you may edit entries and then re-save the file. With each approach you have the option to scale the handicaps
Examples are

  • An average of 52% gives a handicap of 2%
  • If you scale this at 1 the handicap is left at 2%
  • If you scale this at .75 the handicap is changed to 1.5%
  • If you scale this at 1.5 the handicap is changed to 3%

I hope you find these tips useful. I will be presenting more like these in future issues of Club Management Focus.

Andrew Urbanski
EBU Club Liaison Officer