June 2022

2022 European Team Championships

The 55th European Team Championships, which started on 12th June in Madeira, Portugal, finished yesterday 22nd June. England had representation from four teams in the competition: Open ( picture)...

County Chairs Meeting

The video from the recent County Chairs meeting is now available to view on the EBU YouTube channel. The minutes from the meeting, including the presentations are also available: County Chairs...

Ian Payn joins EBL Executive

At the elections of the European Bridge League on June 18, EBU Chair Ian Payn was voted on to its Executive Committee. EBL President Jan Kamras is standing down to become President of the World...

Maureen Hiron (1942-2022)

Maureen Hiron has died. As well as being the widow of Alan Hiron, Maureen was a well-known bridge player in her own right, and succeeded Alan as bridge correspondent for the Independent. Long...

From the Chair

The European Championships are underway – four English teams have flown to Madeira to compete in the Open, Womens, Mixed and Seniors events. We wish them all the best of luck. I’ve been to...