March 2024

Phil Lloyd

We are sorry to report the death of Phil Lloyd at the age of 67. Phil was General Manager of the EBU and Company Secretary from 1998 to 2001. Our condolences go to his family and friends.

Barrie Partridge, "senior kibitzer" on Bridge Club Live (BCL) writes:

In BCL, he played, as Hotspur, nearly 40,000 boards in the 16 years of which he was a member. His regular partner was Sue Maxwell (Smaxi) to whom condolences as well as to Phil's family.




Baroness Henig

We are sad report to the death of Baroness Ruth Henig CBE, DL, who was a British academic historian and Labour Party politician and chair of the all-party Parliamentary Bridge group, where she...

Women's Trial Playoff

The second weekend of the Women's Trial for the European Championships took place on March 2-3 as a playoff between two teams of four, following the pairs stage that took place last month. The...