The 2023 Premier League has been won by the team of Andrew Black, David Gold, Andrew McIntosh, Tom Paske, Simon Cope & Peter Crouch (pictured).
In second place were the Hinden team of Frances Hinden, John Atthey, Graham Osborne, Neil Rosen & Chris Jagger. The Sandfia team finished in third, they played in the second division in 2022.
The Black team and the Hinden team will receive invitations to represent England in one weekend of the Camrose Trophy.
The Premier League is part of the series of competitions contributing to the Player of the Year Championship. Following this weekends results, two of the members of team Black, Simon Cope & Peter Crouch are now joint leaders. The remaining members of team Black are just behind in third place. The next event in the Player of the Year Championship is the Point-A-Board Teams, held on RealBridge, 20th - 21st January 2024.
In the Second Division, Team Hackett, with David Debbage, Croz Croswell, Paul Hackett, John Sansom, John Hassett & Andrew Woodcock finished first. The Phoenix team (James Thrower, Ali Ahmed, Liam Sanderson, Fiona Brown, Steve Raine & Chris Cooper) finished in second place.
In the Third Division - Marcia Green, Heather Dhondy, Joe Fawcett, Alastair Gidman, David Burn finished in first place, ahead of Paul Gipson, Alex Gipson, Nick Smith, Alan Wilson & Roger Bryant.
November 6, 2023