We're excited for all our clubs and counties to join in with the BIABD fun! Plus, we've got some awesome national opportunities for players to be part of the festival and show their support for Cancer Research UK.
2 - 5 September
EBED Festival Simultaneous Pairs in support of Cancer Research UK
All revenue from the September Sim Pairs will be donated to the EBU Cancer Research UK fundraising page, so we hope as many clubs as possible will support this pre festival event.
8 September
National Handicap Championship Pairs
£1 per player of the entry for this event will be donated to the EBU Cancer Research UK fundraising page.
8 - 11 September
Play Without The Experts Festival
Barton Manor Hotel & Spa, Preston
9 - 15 September
Guernsey Congress
Immerse yourself in the joy of playing bridge on the enchanting island of Guernsey and support the festival by participating in the pre-congress Festival Pairs.
13 - 15 September
Isle of Man Congress
Enjoy a weekend of bridge on the Isle of Man and support Bridge - It’s A Big deal by playing in the Festival Championship Pairs.
15 September
Festival Finale
7pm on RealBridge, you will play 20-boards. The entry fee is just £4, with proceeds going to Cancer Research UK. Enter online via My EBU or email comps@ebu.co.uk.