Twinned Town or Same Name Matches

Many towns are twinned with towns in other countries and many of these twin towns have bridge clubs! Alternatively many towns have towns of the same name in other countries. A twin town or same name match can be a fun way to connect with other bridge players in the other town; such matches are easy to organise online. Some steps for organising a twin town or same name match are below.

Ace of Spades

Find a Twin Town or Same Name Club
Find a club in a twin town or in a town with the same name and make contact with them. There is a list of twin towns here.


Two of Hearts

Arrange Details
Agree a time and a date (allowing for time difference) and also an online platform to play on. There are multiple online platforms which can be used although RealBridge works particularly well and has hosted many twin town matches. RealBridge have kindly offered that they will waive their fees for twin town or same name matches taking place as part of the festival, for further details and for help with setting up a match on RealBridge contact Shireen.


Three of Clubs

Agree a format: Pairs or Teams and how many players from each club.


Four of Diamonds

Tell your local paper about the match. Some previous twin town matches have been covered by local papers in both towns!