Free Lessons

Offering some free lessons may be a great way to attract people in to the club and encourage them to give bridge a go.

You may also like to have a short game of Minibridge to help people become more comfortable playing cards.

Ace of Spades

Day and Time
Pick a suitable day and time when the venue is available and your teachers are available. Decide how many lessons you will provide for free.


Two of Hearts

Word of mouth may well be the best publicity. Encourage the existing members to find at least one person they know who would like to give bridge lessons a go. After all if the lessons are free what have they got to lose? People are far more likely to come along if someone they know invites them personally.


Three of Clubs

The club may have funds to finance the lessons and may feel this is worth doing to hopefully provide the club with new members. If additional is funding is needed it is worth speaking to the county bridge association in your area to see if they can provide any additional funding.


Four of Diamonds

Make arrangements to be able to provide refreshments at the lessons.