Charity Lunches

Charity Lunches can be a good way to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Play a session of bridge with a break for lunch or afternoon tea with a donation included in the entry fee. Bridge could be duplicate or rubber bridge as preferred.

Ace of Spades

Date and Venue
Pick a suitable venue which can provide lunch or afternoon tea at a reasonable price. Try and find somewhere a little bit special where players may be keen to go to attract more people. Arrange a date when the venue is available bearing in mind other Bridge - It's a Big Deal events which are going on to avoid a clash.


Two of Hearts

Promote the event to members of your club and other nearby clubs.


Three of Clubs

Format of bridge
Decide on the format of the bridge: rubber or duplicate and how many boards will be played?


Four of Diamonds

If using a venue which is not normally used as a bridge club do they have enough suitable tables and chairs? Arrange where table clothes, bidding boxes, scorecards and other bridge equipment will come from.


You may also like to personalise this bridge lunch poster/leaflet.