You will love bridge! Start on our Learn Bridge page to get going quickly, or explore the resources below.

The Benefits of Playing Bridge

Bridge can be a path to your self development and well-being.  Recognised as a leading mind sport, Bridge offers provides individuals and society with social, health and intellectual benefits.  

Support and Guidance

The easiest path to find your way is with a mentor/teacher, they will show you the ropes and navigate your way from learning to play all the way to competing.    

Path to Competing

Competing in Bridge can be immensely rewarding as it tests our every mental faculty. It is also fun and a great way to make friends.  

Measures of Achievement

Your achievements and performance are recognised through two comprehensive EBU schemes. 

Latest News

New: Jack High Events

In July, there will be the second in the new series of blue pointed Jack High events, open to those with an NGS grade of Jack and below. Each event will be held on RealBridge, by Cumbria on...

May Robot Ladder Competitions

May's robot ladder competitions, have now concluded. In the 12-board ladder for May, Yu Kew Leung won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 70.08% over six games. Jaak Känd was second...

Liebeschuetz & Oakford win Corwen Trophy

John Liebeschuetz & Rod Oakford ( pictured), of Cambs & Hunts, have won the Corwen Trophy which took place this past weekend, 3rd - 4th June. The event is for the leading pairs in the most recent...

Franklin To

Players in London, and long-term tournament players will be saddened to hear of the death after a long illness of Franklin To. There is an appreciation on the Young Chelsea Bridge Club website...

England regain the Teltscher Trophy

The Teltscher Trophy - the 'senior Camrose' competition - took place this weekend. This year the event was held in Newport, Wales. The England team of Barry Myers, Sally Brock, Dave Robinson...


EBED announces the appointment of Mark Humphris as CEO. Mark enjoyed a long career as an engineer with BP, working mainly on the development of natural gas resources around the world, before...