Cambs and Hunts Contract Bridge Association are running their first Blue Pointed Jack High Pairs on 2nd June on RealBridge, click here to enter.
The Bridge - It's a Big Deal! a festival of bridge pages show all the latest clubs planning events for the festival. Click the link for more details about this exciting event.
The Bridge - It's a Big Deal! a festival of bridge pages show all the latest clubs planning events for the festival. Click the link for more details about this exciting event.
April to September - A Relaxed Summer League for Social Bridge Players & Bridge Students. Form a team of 4+ players and play once a month online. All proceeds going to Cancer Research UK.
The Bridge - It's a Big Deal! a festival of bridge pages show all the latest clubs planning events for the festival. Click the link for more details about this exciting event.
Want to learn to play bridge? Find a bridge course or teacher
The Bridge - It's a Big Deal! a festival of bridge pages show all the latest clubs planning events for the festival. Click the link for more details about this exciting event.
To advertise here or within English Bridge printed magazine, click this link!
The Bridge - It's a Big Deal! a festival of bridge pages show all the latest clubs planning events for the festival. Click the link for more details about this exciting event.
For all players NGS Nine and below; enter now for the 9-High Matchpointed Pairs on 27th May, run by Kent on behalf of the EBU

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