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Harrogate Spring Congress Results

The Harrogate Spring Congress took place last weekend, the Swiss Teams was won by the team of Liam Fegarty, Jamie Fegarty, Rachel Bingham & Anne Catchpole ( pictured) with a score of 104 VPs. In...

Free 1-month Funbridge Subscription

Funbridge are giving free 1-month subscription to Funbridge for EBU members. This free subscription will allow you to play unlimited deals on Funbridge, anywhere, at anytime. This discovery offer...

January Robot Ladder Competitions

December's robot ladder competitions, have now concluded. In the 12-board ladder for January, Jaak Känd won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 71.33% over six games. Tim Glover was...


15th - 22nd October 2024

Cretan Congress - an overseas congress in the largest and most populous of the Greek islands! Kernos Beach Hotel, Crete, 15th - 22nd October 2024 The Autumn overseas 2024 congress, will be held


Jee team wins National Point-a-Board

The National Point-a-Board Teams took place this weekend has been won by the Jee team of Liam Sanderson, Hugo Jee, Alex Hannon, John Cox & Mohamed Mousa (pictured). They finished with a total of...